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Cloud development expertise enabling your organization to build or rebuild your applications to be faster, smarter, more resilient and cost-effective.

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How Can We Help You?


Building In the Cloud, For the Cloud


At Slice, we have decades of hands on development skill and a wealth of cloud expertise. We strive to promote a culture of expertise.

We build innovative cloud-based, cloud-first solutions; applying a wealth of developer expertise to customer challenges, helping drive efficient and cost-effective use of cloud offerings.


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Cost Savings

Cloud services are least expensive when used correctly. Let us show you how.

Harness the Cloud

Realize the benefits of cloud services by employing the right services in your architecture.

Scaling and Resiliency

Utilize cloud to increase speed to deployments, increase up-time and easily scale beyond server limitations.


So you've been told you'd save money moving to the cloud? Are you still waiting to realize that promise?

Lift-and-shift almost never is as cost-efficient as the sales team promises. It's easier to break the sales barrier with lift-and-shift, but in the end, little if any is really saved by moving to the cloud.

In fact more-often than not, cloud is MORE EXPENSIVE than on-premises if it's not done right.

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Let's Get Started

We'd love to hear more about your needs and schedule a consultation to review how we can be of service. For any inquiries, please send an email or fill out the contact form provided and we will be in touch shortly. Thank you!

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